AcupressureWhat is Acupressure?

Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. Acupressure was developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago. Using the power and sensitivity of the hand, acupressure therapy is effective in the relief of stress-related ailments, and is ideal for self-treatment and preventive health care for boosting the immune system. Acupressure releases tension, increases circulation, reduces pain, and develops spirituality and vibrant health.

Acupressure and acupuncture use the same pressure points and meridians, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses gentle to firm finger pressure. When these acupressure points are stimulated, they release muscular tension, promote circulation of blood, and enhance the body’s life force energy to aid healing.

Applications of Acupressure

Maintaining Good Health

The applications of acupressure include relieving pain, balancing body energy, and maintaining good health. Acupressure increases circulation in the body, and enables deep relaxation. By relieving stress, acupressure therapy strengthens resistance to disease and promotes wellness. You can learn self-care applications and pressure point formulas for specific conditions, such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic muscular pain, mental stress, addiction recovery, learning disorders, trauma, and more.

Healing Trauma and Emotional Pain

Long known for its ability to alleviate physical pain, the ancient healing art of acupressure can also relieve emotional pain. From day-to-day pressures to life’s most significant trials, emotional stress causes the body to shut down, which keeps negative feelings stuck, resulting in physical ailments and emotional imbalances. Acupressure techniques release this muscular tension and restore the flow of vital energy, making resolution possible.

Acupressure relaxes the tight muscles that result from emotional stress and trauma, which cause the body to contract its muscles and harden, like protective armor, to shield your inner self. For instance, when something frightens you, or someone uptight treats you abrasively, your neck and shoulders may tighten immediately in response. This tension prevents energy from circulating freely in your body, which can lead to various physical and emotional imbalances. If you do not deal with these tensions and resulting afflictions, emotional problems may stay buried, and then resurface at a later time, when they’re triggered by some new stress. Most therapies address the cognitive and emotional aspects of trauma, but do not get to the physiological source. Acupressure has an advantage in that it works directly with the body to relieve physical ailments, muscular tension, and the emotional imbalances associated with them.

Emotional imbalances and the physical symptoms that accompany them are often the body’s response to unresolved issues and events. Someone who witnessed a fatal automobile accident, or an abusive incident, may live with the memory in the form of recurring nightmares and insomnia or other psychosomatic ailments. If left untreated, they can continue for years. Using acupressure points for today’s tension headache, caused by a conflict at work or an argument over homework with one’s teenager, may bring old conflicts or memories to the surface during an acupressure session or afterward. To follow up, use acupressure self-care methods, or explore the issues in therapy. Becoming conscious of old memories and bringing them out in the open can lessen their impact.


Compulsive behaviors occur in cycles and are cumulative; one stress leads to another. Poor choices and emotionally unhealthy situations contribute to muscular tensions, pressures and pain. People commonly use drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or overeating to avoid the stress and tension in their lives and to escape from feeling pain in the body.

Acupressure can break the negative cycle of addiction, since it releases pain, stress, and tension, and heightens body awareness. Instead of the numbing affects of drugs, acupressure increases the circulation, helping to lift the fog of addiction and bringing a person back to the present moment. There are acupressure points for regaining stability, reducing cravings, for heightening morale, self-esteem, and self-confidence, and for boosting will power—all of which are vital for combating addictions.

The benefits of acupressure have been experienced by many patients. A growing body of research has verified its effectiveness in treating various ailments and in controlling pain. Besides its use in the treatment and prevention of minor diseases, acupressure may also be used in conjunction with medical treatments for major illnesses to help restore optimal health.

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